Monday 8 September 2008

Andy Murray: A brands dream... NOT!!

British sport is in the dumps! Long gone are the days of 1966 and world cup victories we are in the days of underachievement. Some of the bright sparks in British sports are Lewis Hamilton and Andy Murray.

On one hand Lewis Hamilton is a brands dream, he wins races, he has a superstar girlfriend (Pussy Cat Dolls - Nicole Scherzinger), modest looks and earns a lot of money. So for the viewing public it is an aspiration to be a fan of Lewis Hamilton.

What about Andy?
Well... to be honest he is more reminiscent of a spoilt teenager than a sporting superstar. He has floppy hair and talks into his chin in interviews. Undoubtedly he has some great quotables but nothing that screams superstar. Britvic dropped him from their sponsorship for this year’s Wimbledon tournament for being boring. Maybe he enjoys being a reserved Brit instead of international superstar.... really??

Andy Murray is 6th in the world at the moment and he just beat Rafa Nadal in the US Open to face former world number 1 Roger Federer so it can’t be all bad in camp Murray. But did a little media training and a hair cut hurt anyone?? Well... Keep an eye out for Andy Murray branded Vitamin water, tennis shoes and racquets coming soon!! Unlikely.


davis said...


davis said...

Marv, that was top notch. you should stick to what you are good at and 4get roller skating!

serioulsy, what you said did resonate with me, as I lived many of the things you made reference too (UNI)

Good advice still